Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Access Modifiers

Access Modifiers

It is very important to understand when and where to use access modifiers.
1) private
2) public
3) protected
4) internal
5) protected internal

1) private : It is visible to only the same class .You cannot access the variable from any other class, even by creating an object or by inheriting it to a child class.
Class Parent
private Var A

2) public : It is visible through out the project and the variable can be accessed from other project.
Class Parent
public Var A

3) protected : It is visible inside the class. It cannot be accessed directly from other class. It has to be inherited to access it.
Class Parent
protected Var A

Class Child
Inherits Parent

4) internal : It is visible all over the project except from other project or applications
Class Parent
internal Var A

5) protected internal : It is visible all over the project except from other procect or applications. It can be accessed in other project only by inheriting the base class.
Class App1.Parent
protected internal Var A

Class App2.Child
Inherits Appl1.Parent

I am sorry for being very short in defining.

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